Review: The Pharmacist (Netflix)

The Pharmacist

Netflix Original Docu-Series

1 Season, 4 Episodes

Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Pharmacist is an inside look at the advancement of the Opioid Crisis and the medical community’s contribution to this global epidemic. In this story you’ll meet Dan Schneider, a pharmacist, who lost his son in a drug-related murder in New Orleans in 1999. As he attempts to put his life back together after the loss of his son, he grapples with the surprising realization that his son had a drug problem. Returning to his job as a pharmacist, he begins to notice a trend in pain pill prescriptions. Awakened by his son’s unexpected death, Dan launches a personal investigation which uncovers the “Pill Mill” community and the growing Opioid business.

As someone who has had personal experience with loving someone who struggles with addiction, I had a difficult time watching this story unfold. I was filled with anger, betrayal and disbelief yet validation and understanding. While difficult to watch with such raw sympathy and familiarity, it was somehow validation that the medical community holds some responsibility in this epidemic. My loved ones were prescribed addiction during the “OxyContin” frenzy and I’m now watching second generation addicts evolve from their experience. This is a hard-hitting account of the events that led my family (and all other effected families) to this point.

Follow Dan’s investigation as he uncovers a Pill Mill where Dr. Jacqueline Gleggett was treating an average of 76 patients per day with approximately 180,000 OxyContin scripts filled – Queue the DEA, a parallel investigation and sites set on Purdue Pharma, the manufacturer OxyContin.

Dan was unable to save his son, but his efforts to save others helped expose the corrupt money-making machine that has cost us a generation and impacted today’s youth in ways we’ve yet to see. This is definitely a must-watch for everyone. Addiction is a tough topic and sadly, although it’s cost us millions of lives, stigma is still creating silence, division and ultimately death. Regardless of your opinion on the topic, there is much to learned from Dan’s journey in regard to the FDA, pharmaceutical companies and the medical care and prescription system.

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